LF: Cursed Wholesome avi by BasalClub64
Looking for this avatar. Haven't seen anyone talking about it anywhere else. Please share if you have it.
Cursed Wholesome avi
Just something i been working on its based on Gorila Invisible artwork, included is unity project, sub files, fbx, and blender project. used poiyomi shadersWholesome sps is used in the project, wholesome lolipop, wholesome light. has hue shift gogoloco and a few other things. update 12/17/24 added new gogoloco along with femboi and size adjustments to wholesome parts.creditshttps://wholesomevr.gumroad.com/l/lollipoppanda?layout=profilehttps://skuny.gumroad.com/l/TVFStandardBasehttps://franadavrc.gumroad.com/l/gogoloco
Gumroad (basalclub648.gumroad.com)