Looking for Ipuu's FNIA avatar files (Possibly NSFW)
Bump for the code
@asdasdasdasda you can find the codes in the discord server of Ipuu
@TheComputerGirl sorry but im not doing all of that.
Bump for the code
guys i can
@asdasdasdasda then why did you wrote you can ?
@asdasdasdasda then why did you wrote you can ?
@TheComputerGirl cause i saw them but i am very inexperienced with unity and i am not joining the server just to get a code for an avatar.
@TheComputerGirl cause i saw them but i am very inexperienced with unity and i am not joining the server just to get a code for an avatar.
@asdasdasdasda well, can i have them ? i'll fix them if u want
bump for the codes and files!