LF : These Blue archive models (3/5) found)
+65. : D
+66 This one will be my main topic now..
+67.. Oh boy, Will i get blessed again?
+68.. For Yume and Hikari mostly
+69 “Never give up”..
+70 alot of persons wants hikari and nozomi but no one has bought it yet.. :c
+71.. Im feeling happy today. And busy with editing my first yt vid..
+72.. silent bump.
+73.. Bump. ;D
+74 me when i forgot to bump after 4 hrs..
+75.. 8 hrs ago…. Owie.
+76 Ok. I’ll remove 2 models.. only focusing on Yume & Hikari/Nozomi now.
+77.. Double luck activated..
+78.. Luck ran out.
+79.. Oh man.. i’ll just keeps bumping.
+80.. Birb..