「うるる」 ururu
Does anyone have this avatar?
It's a recent avatar.
オリジナル3Dモデル「うるる」#Ururu3D - なっふな堂 - BOOTH
オリジナル3Dモデル「うるる -Ururu-」 制作者:香坂もち( https://twitter.com/mzk563 ) キャラクターデザイン/3Dモデリング 香坂もち 〇商品概要〇 Humanoid/フルトラッキング/VRCアイトラッキング/自動まばたき対応 avatars3.0対応 EXmenuから32種類の表情の切り替え/固定、衣装の着脱、目線設定などが可能です。 ・OculusQuest用の設定は行っておりませんので非対応となります。 ・MAYAで制作されたデータとなりますので他ソフトでの相互性は保証致しかねます。
Here you go. (424MB)
Within this zip are two more zips, one with the unitypackage, and the other with PSDs and extra textures. -
Here you go. (424MB)
Within this zip are two more zips, one with the unitypackage, and the other with PSDs and extra textures. -
Here you go. (424MB)
Within this zip are two more zips, one with the unitypackage, and the other with PSDs and extra textures. -
I init1ally referenced this topic on
@init1ally On my end, the link is still online. Most of my files hosted on anonfiles should. But if there is ever the case that they do go offline, DM me and I'll link you the file from my redundancy archive.
@init1ally On my end, the link is still online. Most of my files hosted on anonfiles should. But if there is ever the case that they do go offline, DM me and I'll link you the file from my redundancy archive.