Max-E file girl
Here is Max-E Virtual Assistant v1.1: has:
- 4 Emotes (Requires FaceEmo:
- Requires Modular Avatar for some scripts (
- Requires VRCFury for Write Defaults Component (
- 3 Strip Toggles (Minimize, Popout, and Close)
- Includes PC and Quest for SPS and Non-SPS (VRCFury required for SPS)
- Contact Receivers on Button Belt for Strip Toggles (Be careful not to click multiple buttons simultaneously)
- Fixed the dual socket Handjob position to face the correct way for DPS Penetrators.
- Changed the dress transparency material from poiyomi/toon to vrchat/particles/multiply to allow transparency on both PC and Quest versions. This should no longer cause the pink missing texture issue for quest uploads.
I'll be leaving this link up for a week.
im glad i said something about the model lmao
Is anyone having any further issues?
@WanWan Apparently the clothes are desynced or something? I had them on on my end but someone else said I was naked. Also the buttons weren't working for them but they worked for me!
@tennison @taliatan Well this is concerning. Everything works fine on my end from my perspective, but for me to troubleshoot those kinds of issues I need someone else to get on VRC with me. I hope this is a vrc issue and not an issue on my end, but I'll double check to make sure. If anyone wants to dm me, we can test things out in-game to make sure everything works fine.
Edit: Yeah the should be working for self and others. Idk what would lead to the issues you're having other than that's a problem with vrc in general.
so is it fixed oooorrrrrr??
so is it fixed oooorrrrrr??
@INSERT_NAME_HERE Can't say it's fixed when we don't know what's broken. It works for me, but I have only myself to test it. I could have clothes on me when I get on vrchat, but to other people around me in the world, I could be naked and I would never know until someone tells me. I have no way to test it, unless someone else is on to see how my avatar works. You could try uploading it yourself and it might work, or it could be VRChat that's at fault for the errors. One person had an issue which I helped with, but their issue was that they didn't have the proper modules installed before uploading. So the only real answer I can give is that it works unless it doesn't.
@INSERT_NAME_HERE Can't say it's fixed when we don't know what's broken. It works for me, but I have only myself to test it. I could have clothes on me when I get on vrchat, but to other people around me in the world, I could be naked and I would never know until someone tells me. I have no way to test it, unless someone else is on to see how my avatar works. You could try uploading it yourself and it might work, or it could be VRChat that's at fault for the errors. One person had an issue which I helped with, but their issue was that they didn't have the proper modules installed before uploading. So the only real answer I can give is that it works unless it doesn't.
bump for 1.2
bump for 1.2
@INSERT_NAME_HERE honestly, we should see if anyone (else) in this thread would give any of the versions they got before the link expired
- I downloaded everything that was linked here so it should contain all of the versions
- I downloaded everything that was linked here so it should contain all of the versions
@KemonoFriend1260 ty pimp
so bump?