LF: Avatar that would suit this look
Looking for a base/Avatar that might suit this look? I have some work in blender and texturing, just need any ideas of a base/avatar that might suit this kind of look.
Skipsy's models have a similar body type if that's what you were looking for
The Skip Drake
Introducing the Drake model by Skipsy!A soft, gentle dragon type creature that you can make your own! Includes two base models designed and set up for VRChat! It can be used in other social platforms of course.IMPORTING to VRCHAT:Step 1: Create a new avatar project in the VCC (VRChat Creator Companion)Step 2: Import the supplied unitypackage files into the unity project!Make sure to read the README.pdf for important information regarding some of the extra features included with this model!Get the VRCHat Creator Companion here: https://vrchat.com/home/downloadThis model is not Quest compatible!What's Included:Two versions, with breasts and without Avatar 3.0 basic setup with puppets and toggles! Clothing Toggle options Tail Puppet controls Toe Puppet controls Plenty of blendshapes for facial expressions and body shape adjustments! PBR Unity Standard optimized material and texture setup Substance Painter and .blend files included 4 hair styles 4 horn styles 3 base body colors per type 2-3 base clothing colors per type 4 base hair colors Simple customizable eye, hair and horn color setup Rotation Constraint rig for better deformation and anatomical cleanliness This model contains mature themes and optional textures Licensing, ToS and more: You have the rights to upload this avatar for PRIVATE use in VRChat, NeosVR or other similar platforms, or for use with personal animations and renders. You have the rights to edit the model as you wish. You may take commissions, or commission other creators for edits, content development etc. for this model, however both parties MUST own copies of the model. You DO NOT have the rights to redistribute the assets freely or to anyone who does not own them. You DO NOT have the rights to resell your mode. You MAY sell custom addons separately! You DO NOT have permission to upload as public or to an avatar pedestal. DO NOT remove artist credits from the model. I am not responsible for any violation of VRChat's (or any platform used) ToS with the actions you take using this model. If you use my model to violate any platforms, or these ToS you will be blacklisted from future projects. REFUND POLICY:As this is a DIGITAL product that cannot be returned, refunds will not be eligible! You must be sure you wish to purchase this product.
Gumroad (skipsy.gumroad.com)
Otherwise these could look nice ^_^
Octive Vrchat Avatar Base
Moved HereThis avatar may receive updates This avatar requires knowledge of Unity - If you need assistance don't hesitate to ask in the Help section of the discord! Want to try before you buy?You can find this avatar at my booth in the FurHub VRChat world!https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_65ce4a4b-f66f-4844-adfe-072663394514(To be updated)What this product contains: - Unity Package (Ready for VRChat export)- SPP texture files- Blend file- FBX -VRMAvatar Features:- Fullbody compatible- MMD compatible- ARKit and SRanipal - Face Tracking Compatible- 6x Gesture emotes- Material Swap (Body and Clothes)-Hue Sliders (Body and Clothes)- Clothing Toggles- Body Toggles- Headpat and Nose Boop interactable-Ear, Tail, Toes Puppets-Horns SliderRequirements: - Unity 2022.3.6f1 - And understanding of how to use it (There are many tutorials which you can find on YouTube)https://unity.com/releases/editor/whats-new/2022.3.6 - VRChat SDK3.0https://vrchat.com/home/download -VRCFury- And an understanding of how to use ithttps://vrcfury.com/ -Poiyomi 8.2- https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releases-VRCFT - Jerry's Templates-https://github.com/Adjerry91/VRCFaceTracking-Templates Terms of Service:By purchasing this avatar you hereby agree to my terms of service which go as following:You may:- Use this avatar for VRChat- Edit the avatar for personal use- Make public / clonable versions of the avatar for VRChat- Advertise / sell custom retextures of the avatar providing that the retexturer and recipient have both purchased the avatar- Create and sell accessories, clothing & props for the avatar provided that it doesn't include any of the original avatar files- Create artwork, designs etc inspired by the avatar- Use it for videos / streaming etc - ARKit Blendshapes have been provided- Please be sure to credit me for creating the base.- Modify the avatar to create an your own version for sale You may NOT:- Claim credit for creation of the original avatar- Share any of the files of this avatar with others unless all parties have legally purchased the avatar prior- Share your license key with others- Re-sell the avatar or any of its components Credits: -Technical Help: Ximmer-VRM: Ximmer Updates:Update 10/22/2024-Body/Clothing Shader Update -Optimized Textures -New Matcaps provided in unity fileFixes-Nails clipping through the hands (Thanks Daiumada!)-Tail Wag Toggle Repaired (Thanks Daiumada!)-Thigh sharpness has been smoothed so sitting looks nicer-Pants and Leotard clipping fixes-Ear Puppet fixed
Gumroad (octohedgie.gumroad.com)
Jinx V2 (VRChat Avatar)
GET THIS AVATAR FOR $5 CHEAPER ON MY PAYHIP! Want to try on the model first? Try the public version! Trial VersionPerformance Stats: Polygons: 185K Meshes: 18 Material Slots: 29 🟠Medium version included!In-Game SDK3: Hair Swap (Short/Long) Body/Gender Modifications Top Toggles Bottom Toggles Puffer Jacket Toggle Accessory Toggles Clothing Texture Swaps Snack Toggles Receiver Toggle GoGo Loco ...and more! 👀Boop, headpat and eye poke receivers included!Terms of Use: This package CAN NOT be redistributed, given, or shared in any state. This avatar CAN NOT be uploaded as public or to an avatar pedestal in VRChat. This model and the assets used on it CAN NOT be used commercially (only exception to this is streaming). DO NOT delete the credit meshes/texture crediting for the base model, doing so will violate these terms. You CAN NOT remove the assets from this model and use them elsewhere. You must buy them from the creators listed below. Use of my work for anything of the likes of AI, NFTs, or Crypto is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. You may use this model for TikToks, Twitch, etc. but you MUST credit me. Commissions are ALLOWED as long as BOTH parties own the avatar LEGALLY. Purposefully filling out the required information at checkout incorrectly WILL invalidate your license key.Please do NOT copy/paste or reference my Terms of Use for your own products without my consent. Thank you. Credits: Head & Feet: MariVR Glasses: ElizabyteVR & Kri Straps & Body: Torinyan Shorts: Pursu#6500 Backpack:TheIceDragonz#9360 (Textured by me) Beanie: Robocaps Hair: ZinPia & Saikura Immoral & Sugar Set: AikaVR Socks: Meowmi Choker: nepnewp#4664 Icons: Awmi Puffer Jacket: Xohu Shirt: .blxxd Teeth, Eyelashes, Ears, Tail, Bra, Binder, Body Textures: Me GoGo Loco: FranadaVRC Disclaimer: There is minor clipping if the all of body modification settings are maxed at once.
Gumroad (bratbun.gumroad.com)
Deira Neo VRChat Base
AboutThis is an original 3D model compatible with Unity's Humanoid format. It is designed for VRChat. Please read the following terms of use and description of the model before purchasing. This model supports full body tracking and index controllers in VRChat.Preview BlendshapesView DocumentationContentsFBX fileUnity Package SDK3PSD filesSPP files (ver. 10.0.0).blend files (ver. 4.0)RequirementsVRCSDK3 AvatarPoiyomi Toon ShaderUnity 2022.3.22f1InformationPolygon count:Deira_basic: 27,000Deira_maru: 29,000Cloth: 5,000Fluff L: 4,000Fluff S: 1,200Shape keys:Eye Tracking, Lip Sync: 123Face Tracking: 74Body Modification: 34Meshes: 5Materials: 6SDK3 TogglesAlt CryClothSocksTerms of UseThere are no restrictions on the use of R-18 and R-18G, but we will not be held responsible for any problems caused by their use.It is prohibited to use "Deira Neo" for the purpose of slandering a specific individual or group, or for political or religious activities.The creator "Mari" is not responsible for any financial or mechanical problems caused by the use of this model "Deira Neo". Please use it at your own risk.These terms of use are subject to change or revision. If you continue to use the site after any changes are made, you are deemed to agree to the changed or revised terms.PersonalThis package CAN NOT be redistributed, given, or shared in any stateThis avatar CAN NOT be uploaded as public in any social vr platformThis model CAN NOT be used in any commerical capacityDO NOT delete the credit meshes/texture, doing so will violate these termsDO NOT purchase this if you have no unity knowledge.Base level edits of this model CAN be distributed to owners of the SAME package (Deira Neo) as long as YOU made the edits. Must have significant edits made. (completed models do not count.)CommercialThis package CAN NOT be redistributed, given, or shared in an original or almost original stateYou CAN NOT sell any version or edit of this package for less than $35 USDIt CAN be redistributed, given, or shared if significant edits have been madeYou CAN make your own paid products with the contents of this package, or use it in your games, or videos, or streams as long as it has been added to or modified by youYou CAN forbid reselling or distribution of your products containing this product if you wishYour customers CAN sell their own creations containing this base if they have also bought the commercial license of this original packageYou CAN make public avatars if you want, but please still credit and the link to the original baseDO NOT delete the credit meshes/texture, doing so will violate these termsPlease credit this original base in the description or creditsDO NOT purchase this if you have no unity knowledge.By using this model in any way, you agree to these terms.REQUIRED FIELDS MUST BE FILLED OUT CORRECTLY FOR LICENSE TO BE VALID. IF THE FIELDS ARE NOT FILLED OUT CORRECTLY YOUR DOWNLOAD WILL BE DISABLED.Strictly No RefundsUpdate Log1.0.0 Deira Neo released!1.0.1 Update:Improved Texture layers and detailsFixed small weightsFixed small blendshapes
Gumroad (marivr.gumroad.com)