✔ (FOUND by Coco_Moca22) Lottie by Sam
we had the same idea ToT
The difference was 3 minutes
Lottie PC (Amelia & CiCi Heads)
TOGGLE SHOWCASE!!! CLICK HERE!!!!CICI HEAD SWAP INCUDLED!!Please rate it means alot :3LOTTIEPERSONAL USE ONLYTERMS OF USE:- Do not share with anyone or make public uploads (not even to let a friend "test" it, direct them to me only at sam.xo on discord if they need to see it in game before purhcasing for any reason.- Do not upload to anyone's account but your own.- Do not give this package out for any reason, that includes giving to someone else for doing edits for you, uploading, ect. Color Swaps/Texture Swaps are allowed.Adding clothes and Hair is allowed just don't overdue it to where you cant tell its my model anymore.I know there is some of you that like to add some stuff to a model you buy to make it feel more yours and I'm ok with a few accessories as well, ex: ears, jewelry, or followers but not so much to where it makes her unrecognizable. ex: removing everything off of her and leaving base and head and few things and adding all your own new stuff is not ok it, it will not look like my model anymore at that point and i don’t even see the reason you purchased my model if you don’t like anything on it expect my base and that’s not respecting me and how much work I put into my creation. If you are unsure what I mean by this please just ask in avatar help!If you need to optimize the model more for any reason I'm ok with you removing stuff. (again don’t take everything off the model completely)If you have any questions please let me know! thank you all so much for understanding and please respect me and these rules. I just want for all the hard work I put into my models to be respected and the way I intended to create my work to look. !!TO BE CLEAR AGAIN YES YOU CAN EDIT MY MODELS I JUST DONT WANT IT TO BE SO MUCH THAT ALL THATS LEFT IS ALL YOUR NEW ITEMS AND ONLY MY BASE AND HEAD LEFT!! I THINK ANYONE WHO CREATES CAN UNDERSTAND THAT!- No price splitting. - No Refunds - Do not reuse any of these assets without purchasing from the original creator. - Do not reuse any edits/textures I make on assets not even for personal use.- Must Credit me on any posts if you are profiting off it, credit my gumroad page clearly on the posting (https://samvr.gumroad.com/) - Only way you can legally own my models is by purchasing directly from me on my Gumroad https://samvr.gumroad.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THIS MODEL WAS CREATED USING VCC UNITY 2022Import: Poiyomi Toon Shaders: Poiyomi Free 7.3.50 - Or Higher, Lottie unity package; Then click on Lottie scene and upload through SDK.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Credits: NO REUSE ON ANY OF MY EDITS!!Head/Body: Zinpia Saikura CicieaaaVR Sivka seakaiiHair: Saikura Sadge Nessy NakuTextures: LPB Fair Naku LuniTop 1: Wiliem (Tokyo Ghoul & JJK Textures were privately commisioned NO REUSE)Top 2: WenTop 3: SleepyTop 4: QVKTop 5: ✩Bodysuit: HayweeeHoode/ZipUp: SukiBottom 1: ZinpiaBottom 2: RinzyBottom 3: NessyBottom 4: VinuzhkaOther Tops: Meowmi BeanieLeg Nets: SaikuraArm Nets: YuuichiShoes 1 & Socks: PlazShoes 2: HayweeeShoes 3: NessyShoes 4: BrunetteDudetteBeanie: WenBackpack: milkymutt MoBubblerGir: nectarKibby: MoBubblerGlasses: SaltedEyepatch: AlcTrapHorns: TillyBlind F: AikaWarmers: MeowmiBandaids: Saikura HoloExeLip Gloss: AskAmberBraces: XeroJewelery: Suki Peachyboba Sache Yuuichi
Gumroad (samvr.gumroad.com)
@avicollector, @MagicalMystica, @PEN-Manos This guy was made it for you guys 5h ago : https://forum.ripper.store/topic/36797/lf-lottie-by-sam
we all had the same idea
we all had the same idea
@LilyPieeee I guess so lol
The difference was 3 minutes
@PEN-Manos My browser didn't even process it right away
bump (ive seen a bunch of ppl trading it in one of my discord servers but I literally have no avatars to trade for it