LF: Natel by SADGE
Natel (VRChat Avatar)
Details: VR Full Body tracking ready Custom PBR Texturing Unity package with Scene + Prefab ready for uploadThumbnail image provided in files for upload Full CUSTOM Scratch Outfit + Accessories 5 CUSTOM Unique matching texture sets These can be mix and matched to suit your style! VRC Fury, with GoGo Locomotion + ___ installed HALLOWEEN TEXTURES NO LONGER AVAILABLE TOGGLES: Clothing:- [Radial] Tops (T-Shirt, String Top, Zip Top, Cami)- [Radial] Bottoms (Trousers, Shorts, Boyshorts)- [Toggles] Cami, Boyshorts, Sleeves, Socks, Shoes Accessories:- [Toggles] Bandaid, Tied Shirt, Bandana, Chains, Finger Bandages, Arm Belt- [Radial] Cap on Head, on Trousers, and off entirely- [Radial] Glasses on Head, on Face, and off entirely Jewellery:- [Toggles] Hoop, Ears, Lip, Face (piercings), Rings, Waist Chain, Bracelet, Belly Ring COLORS: - [Radials] Avatar Brightness, Skin tone Textures [Radials]:- Tops, Trousers and Shorts, Accessories (Comes with FIVE unique matching texture sets!!)- Undergarments + Shoes (4 alternative black and white textures)- Sleeve opacity (from barely visible to completely opaque!) Hues:- Tops, Trousers and Shorts, Accessories, Tattoo detail Eyes:- [Toggle] Color match (Swap to the same color eyes)- [Radials] Saturation, Brightness, Left Hue, Right Hue ADJUSTMENTS:- [Radials] Chest, Backside, Lower Body, Elf to Human Ears- [Toggles] Face Swap, Tattoos, Freckles, Nail SwapHAIR [Radials]:- Hair style (3 unique hairs!)- Texture swap, Hue, Emission Strength, Emission ColorCONTACTS/FACES:- Head pat, Chest / Backside Contact, Hand HoldCustom Hand Gestures + Facial ExpressionsWhat you get: - Avatar Unity Package (No Scripts Exported) - Poiyomi Toon 9.0.60 - Instructions on how to download and import the Avatar Avatar was exported using the CreatorCompanion + VRCFury. Please make sure to use these and follow instructions for full functionality of the avatar. Terms of Use: - This avatar is protected under a copyright license, and is not allowed to be distributed, given out, sold or reuploaded anywhere but my Gumroad. Any forms of re-distribution will be met with a DMCA. - Personal use ONLY. You may make edits for personal use providing you have purchased the original avatar, and credit is given where due. - No public uploads of this avatar - You are not allowed to re-use/re-publish any part of this avatar - Please message me on discord if you wish to use this avatar for any other platform (VTubing, twitch etc.) Credits:(All credits are in reference to their discord tag, and links to specific assets used are provided) "sivka.": Amelia Head (Heavily Edited) "zinpia": VRBase Anime, Savi Head (Eye Mesh ONLY), Y2K Shoes ".fair.": Minx Eye Textures "draadl00s": Nails + Face Texture (Edited) "saikura": All Hairs (1, 2, 3) "sadgecc": All Tops, Trousers, Shorts, All Accessories, Tattoos (Clothing will be available for purchase shortly after release) "dragonboi": Unity Setup "clikk": Showcase Video (All assets have been retextured, edited and adjusted to adapt to the avatar. You may not take assets from this model in any format. Please feel free to purchase the original assets with the links provided)Avatar Statistics:14 Materials (In Project + Assigned)241,900 Polygons47 mb download size Avatar was created in Unity 2022.3.22f1ContactDiscord: sadgefbx(After purchasing, I'm more than happy to do uploads if your unity knowledge is limited. Please contact me on discord)(For anyone unable to see the videos on gumroad Gumroad)Toggle Video: https://youtu.be/CYmEfeMQk88Showcase Video: https://youtu.be/HT-r1VG9ZYg
Gumroad (sadge.gumroad.com)