LF: Jane Doe by Bream (FOUND)
I dont know why my screenshot borked, but it was supposed to show some of the errors Im getting, even in a fresh project, its wacky
@ManIloveFauna odd. i got it all working apart from the hand blade toggles, even a quest version, both in a previous project and a fresh one using the creator companion. I want to help, but i wouldn't know where to start..
@nitroz I managed to figure it out. VRCC was being dumb lol
@ManIloveFauna glad to hear! let me know if you have figured out the Hand Blades. they're stuck in the air when i toggle them...
@nitroz I'll try them out in the morning and let you know!
@nitroz Yep, they are floating in the air for me as well lol
@ManIloveFauna i just removed them and all the NSFW menu stuff to help with performance. a shame, but shes still good. new main material for me
if anyone can upload a quest convert here, i would be in your debt
@nitroz god shes hot
@ManIloveFauna she is indeed~
bump update