LF: Goth Bunybear
Been seeing the avatar around but I not sure where to get, if anyone have any idea would love!
Oh i have the files
@bassboostedbit thank you SO MUCH!!!
if anyone needs the files, dm me or ping me
@bassboostedbit Help me out brother
@bassboostedbit Help me out brother
@Zilla1342tyh do you need the files?
@Zilla1342tyh do you need the files?
@bassboostedbit yes please it'd be a big help
dm me or something homie I'm bouta go to sleep
dm me or something homie I'm bouta go to sleep
thanks homie
@bassboostedbit Think you could send me a dl link???
@bassboostedbit Think you could send me a dl link???
@GooberBear dm me
@bassboostedbit hmm seems weird I don't recall selling my model to you
Been seeing the avatar around but I not sure where to get, if anyone have any idea would love!
@OokamiOnigiri hmmmmmm
@OokamiOnigiri hmmmmmm
@QuinnBunybear oh brother, if you're the creator, im more than happy to buy from you legit lol I saw someone use and could found anywhere since the person gatekeep to me.