LF: ✨✨✨発売記念セール✨✨✨【7アバター対応】 Neon Nova⚙️ for manuka
bump fullset
Bump Full set
@Frost-Iceberg bump
Damn, thats an expensive full set when it goes off sale. Good thing I got it now. Unless someone else gets it, I'm letting Chocolate rice get some sales first before I release it to ya'll poor people
@andross Neither am I. But I'm also not stupid to know that Rice is one of the creators that will go after you faster if they don't get enough sales. So if you want to go buy it and post it early trying to act like you have some big dick when you are begging in your posts for people to go halfsies to buy items, no skin off my back and good luck brah. I got enough updoots.