LF: Tally by stawbunny (WITHOUT GONSO)
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feel like this model is definitely forgotten
been like 3 months
Indeed. Had one of my friends blacklisted for trying to help me on this one.
feel like this model is definitely forgotten
been like 3 months
@kawaiiuwu I haven't forgotten, it's just no one is willing to hand out the required information to make it possible. Otherwise, someone else or I would've done it already. I'm still willing to, don't get me wrong, since they did take $40 from a friend of mine.
Gotta hate her asskissers
@kawaiiuwu I haven't forgotten, it's just no one is willing to hand out the required information to make it possible. Otherwise, someone else or I would've done it already. I'm still willing to, don't get me wrong, since they did take $40 from a friend of mine.
@totallyoriginal1 yea it makes sense, wish it wasnt so complicated