LF: Tally by stawbunny (WITHOUT GONSO)
@thatcatoverthere straw literally banned me for saying, "i hope in the future you think more of the people who help your financial hindrances," after she decided to put gonso on all of her avatars, which means you are paying for a model you do not own. you can not put it in blender or access and edit the fbx. want a cute skirt to add to your character you spent $35+ on? maybe a new hair? too bad!! you can't! lol!! they do not take criticism. they block/ban anyone who expresses that they are unhappy with something they have done. they think nothing of the people who buy their dumb models, we are quite literally just wallets in straw's eyes. creators like this are why people share avatars, price split or leak. good fucking riddance with straw and all the like-minded creators.
@kitten @SeraphicRoses ah thanks for telling me
bump and yeah ofc man
bump :<
bump ;-;
feel like this model is definitely forgotten
been like 3 months
Indeed. Had one of my friends blacklisted for trying to help me on this one.
feel like this model is definitely forgotten
been like 3 months
@kawaiiuwu I haven't forgotten, it's just no one is willing to hand out the required information to make it possible. Otherwise, someone else or I would've done it already. I'm still willing to, don't get me wrong, since they did take $40 from a friend of mine.