LF: Sara Taylor avatar by TheGoldHare
ssmall bit of an update on the model I don't have it but I have where you get it
https://ko-fi.com/s/861c12c91e -
@Omnomnom Idk if I should buy it or buy their end and mouth washing
Irdk -
@AsterTSotAF I just bought it
@AsterTSotAF I just bought it
@whoknows21 yip
yippeeee -
@whoknows21 Absolute goat tysm
@whoknows21 now I think of it
You guys think someone makes a nsfw edit similar to trepidation gf? Like icookmeth did
I think someone could but I feel like the goldenhare version needs a bit fixing like making a closed mouth option
@Omnomnom I'll check
the answer is no they didn't
I just checked I got no email about it no new files, nothing.