Hi, im new here and avatars in general. Theres a couple rindo assets I was wondering if anyone had. Thanks in advance!
Rindo Ears Expansion Piercing 耳の拡張 「竜胆」 - vinzo ヴィンゾ - BOOTH
Rindo Ears Expansion Piercing 耳の拡張 「竜胆」 内容物: チュートリアル付き Important Shader used: Unity-Chan Toon Shader 2.0.9 https://github.com/unity3d-jp/UnityChanToonShaderVer2_Project Tutorial included Textures/fbx/Prefab 4 Colors Unitypackage ready. You need to use unity to merge, easy set up n.n . The tutorial
BECKENZI ゴシック靴 for Kikyo/桔梗, Maya/舞夜, Karin/カリン, Rindo/竜胆, Selestia/セレスティア, Emmelie, INABA, Grus, EYO/イヨ - BECKENZI - BOOTH
Preview uses Poiyomi -------------------------------------------------------- ゴシック靴/Shoes for Moe/萌 https://beckenzi.booth.pm/items/4686950 ゴシック靴/Shoes for Manuka/マヌカ https://beckenzi.booth.pm/items/5058233 ゴシック靴/Shoes for Velle/ヴェール https://beckenzi.booth.pm/items/4996774