LF: novabeast clothing
Furality Umbra Desert Outfit (NovaBeast, 4/5-Finger Nardoragon, WickerBeast)
Make sure you know your way around Unity before your purchase, or get a friend with prior Unity experience. Explore the tutorials below for comprehensive guidance on manually configuring assets in both Blender and Unity or with the use of VRCFury.Note:Be sure to have the Furality Umbra shader installed or the armor will be invisible. The meshes come default off turn them on if you would like to see them in unity. This is found in the prefab named accordingly. This will change in the future.Included in your purchase:Armor for the NovaBeast and 4/5-Finger Nardoragon, and WickerBeastHigh-quality 4K texturesSubstance Painter filesFBX formatVRCFury compatibility for swift setupPre-setup shaders for Umbra, Standard, poiyomi Starting from 5/29 updates that will be included in the armor before furality 6/6Compatiability and prefabs for the following; 4-Finger nardoragon, Wickerbeast, Rexonium, NightbeastEmmission mapping for audiolink with multiple designs ( first set of emission maps available.)5-Finger nardoragon glove retexture and associated 5-finger variantsAccessories to fill out the beltQuest compatitble version (if able before furality)Terms of Service:You have permission to create public uploads and make modifications, textures, and edits. However, you are strictly prohibited from selling this asset, editing and re-selling it, or claiming it as your own. Sharing the package is also not allowed.You may use this asset in commissions only if both parties own the asset.Using the asset:BlenderMethodUnityMethodVRCFuryMethod
Gumroad (sweetwater112.gumroad.com)
Metamoran Fusion Fit (Novabeast)
If you enjoy this asset, Please consider leaving a rating! It helps me a lot as It'll get me more discovery and I can receive feedback!⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Details:6,664 Tris / Polys.Made for Novabeast by KittomaticContains support for Nightbeast (SturmWolf) and Thicc (Loafe) edits blendshapes.VRCFury supported! Just drag and drop the VRCFury prefab into your NovaBeast! (VRCFury is required)Contains textures, Liltoon Materials, and .spp file for Substance PainterRequirementsBasic unity knowledgeLilToon Shader (If using included material)VRCFury (Optional but required if using the VRCFury prefab)T.O.SWhat you're allow to do...Personal use only.You can do commissions with this product, as long as both parties own the asset.You can modify the asset to fit for you.You're NOT allowed to do...Redistribute or share the asset, no matter if modified or not.Claim the asset as your own.
Gumroad (ahshotti.gumroad.com)