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Noelle has missing scripts and can't upload. Could use a little list of what all these avis would need.
@mindlessgonzo Nah bro, you have your problems, I got Noelle without any errors.
@mindlessgonzo Nah bro, you have your problems, I got Noelle without any errors.
@Anne_Wiz What did you use? Regular Unity or VRC Creator Companion?
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@Anne_Wiz What did you use? Regular Unity or VRC Creator Companion?
@mindlessgonzo A regular Unity, with new SDK and that's it.
idk why we're bumping but BUMP
not my problem if yall get banned on vrc.
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T themysteryhoovy referenced this topic on
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@mindlessgonzo Nah bro, you have your problems, I got Noelle without any errors.
@Anne_Wiz was it a pc only upload? i got it on pc but i wanted to ask if anyone got it working for quest..
@Anne_Wiz was it a pc only upload? i got it on pc but i wanted to ask if anyone got it working for quest..
@uwahsohumorous I made quest myself, so it was PC only.
Can someone help me? When I download the file its just a bunch of numbers and letters and no unity file to open
Can someone help me? When I download the file its just a bunch of numbers and letters and no unity file to open
@DeltaruneMrsFan when you open the folder, all the files are named "(name of avatar).unitypackage.gz". all you need to do is rename the file and erase the ".gz" from the file name and that should make it available. It should be then named "(name of avatar).unitypackage", at least that's what I did