LF: Rattleyote by trentie
Rattleyote Avatar
This species is inspired by the lab created Rattlesnake/Coyote Hybrid animal from a game developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Bethesda Softworks called Fallout: New Vegas known as a NightStalker.This Avatar was a passion project of mine since late 2019 with many different alterations throughout the years. It was really only ment to be a personal avatar for me but I think it's time to finally share it. 3D View of untextured avatar on SketchfabFeatures- Physbones on the Ears, Tail, and Tongue.- Various and combinable expressions.- Blendshapes to alter appearance including body and face shape.- One texture set (More to come) with accompanying Substance file.- Blendshapes to give more of a Reptillian/Dragon appearance- Togglable Harness, Collar and Briefs- (NEW) FaceTracking- Quest / StandaloneBefore Importing!!!Open a new Unity Project and import these things first-NeededUse VRChat Creator Companion -or- Download current Avatar SDKAdjerry's Face Tracking Templates (Required for Face Tracking)VRCQuestTools (Easy Tool to convert avatar to Android version)-RecomendedVrcfury - Usefull for importing and setting up clothes and attachable items-OptionalRero Standard Shader - Free Shader that I like to use to give scales a nice shine.Different leg ArmaturesKeep in mind there are 2 different base versions of the Avatar! The Plantigrade version only have 2 joints that move more "user friendly" Clothing should be compatable for both versions if weightpainted using all bones that move in the Digitigrade versionPLANTIGRADE (Left) 3 Moving Joints More user friendly, commonly use DIGITIGRADE (Right) 4 Moving Joints Realistic movement for animal legs, uncommon (PSA: Will feel odd in full body, Kneeling /Squatting do appear odd with both in and out of full body) FACE TRACKING The Model uses Unified Expressions Tongue Steps for Face Tracking, Just make sure to Import AdJerry's Unity package available in the list above before the avatar. If your headset does not work Unified Expressions Tongue Steps Template the project does contain all other available templates under Packages > VRCFT - Jerry's Templates > Prefabs . Jerry has videos on easy fixes available on his Youtube Jerry's Mod Add-onsFor the easiest application of the new assets please first import Vrcfury (Shown just above)After that follow these steps1: Import "Add-ons.unitypackage" 2: Enter folder "Add-ons" 3: Enter folder "Prefab" 4: Drag "Add_ons" onto the Version model you want to use 5: Thats it! All the included assets are now parented and have toggles in VR! Terms of Service:Allowed: Sell/Purchase retexture commissions for the avatar as long as all involved in the transaction have purchased the avatar Create and sell apparel/add-ons for the avatar as long as the avatar and it's accompanying components supplied by me are not included Make personal modifications to the avatar base model as long as it is kept solely for personal use Use the avatar in content such as but not limited to Twitter, TikTok, Youtube, Twitch. Use the avatar in VRChat (or any other Social VR Platform) while abiding by Guidelines set in place by the respective platform Not Allowed: Share the avatar or any modified variant with anyone else. Sell the avatar or any modified variant to anyone else. Publicly upload the avatar anywhere. Claim ownership of the Avatar in any way, shape or form. Use this avatar for commercial purposes, without my direct permission Share any License Key that is provided from any purchase of this avatar and/or accompanying components supplied by me. Questions? If there are any questions or issues specifically about he avatar you can reach me on my Telegram! Please refer to youtube (or other platforms) for tutorials with any issues not specificaly pertaining to the avatar. I do not know everything about Unity, Blender, or Substance.I am not responsible or obligated to help resolve any issues that may occur when modifications have been made to any file I have provided after purchase. For example, if you wanted to add something to the avatar in a program and something broke cause you did, thats on you. I may choose to help you resolve the issue, but I am not required nor obligated to do so.Contact Info!Telegram > @TrentieRefund Policy:No Refunds!As this is a digital product and there is no for sure way to return it after purchase, I will not be allowing or accepting refunds.
Gumroad (trentie.gumroad.com)