LF °Nylah by Empathy's Shop
@tinykissies ![alt text]
I dont see the other togles?
@tinykissies she works fine on my side what version of her did you upload?
@tinykissies That's the right version, I know in the unity project she came with 3 non Vrcft and 3 with it with the ones with the vrcft there might be some differences and it would make sense having to make room in the parameters for it but if you didn't if you reopen your unity project that you originally uploaded her for and check the menus you can see if its the wrong or correct menu i only uploaded the Green and the Original without sps and vrcft so im thinking that's the problem ^^
@tinykissies yep yep i reopened her unity and it seems like you should have more toggles you might just want to reupload her to see if that fixes it <33