LF: Peanut Butter (theycallhimcake
Just FYI, about a month ago I decided to shoot my shot to Cake, and from my conversation I'm pretty sure there's no way we're getting Peeb
@Volttekka ah, i did not notice this earlier, thats understandable
Just FYI, about a month ago I decided to shoot my shot to Cake, and from my conversation I'm pretty sure there's no way we're getting Peeb
@Volttekka I mean of course they wouldn't give you the files it's their sona so yeah the only way to get the avatar is to out right rip it
Peanutbutter: https://vrmodels.store/avatars/21788-peanutbutter.html
Crepe: https://vrmodels.store/avatars/26065-crepe-butter.htmlThese are just the unitypackages though.