LF: Lilia by Kaiylast's Place
Lilia ♡ Pc/Quest
Colors : Hue Shift, Saturation, Emission Strength, Emission Saturation, Emission Hue Shift, RGB Mode(All Colored Parts) Audio Link For Emissions 60+ Toggles for EVERYTHING (6 Tops, 4 Bottoms, 3 Shoes, 20+ Accessories, 5 Hairs, Extras...) 12 Ori Points Skin Color Radial Gogo Loco Custom Idle Poses (Crouch, Prone) with Tail and Ear Movement and Custom AFK Pose Fake Index Gestures for Quest, Vive and other Headset Users ;) 14 Different Face Gestures With Ear Movement and No Overlapping ( you can mix them to create new face gestures !) Contacts for : Boop, Headpat, and Eyes (Poke) Bangs Options ! Back Hair Options !Chose Your Favorite Look For Lashes ! As for Eyebrows ! A Marker for My Mutes bbs ! Cute Paw Prints When Walking (Orientation fixed) Toes Are Controllable ! Quest Compatible :3 How to upload ? : Create a project with CreatorCompanion (Unity 2022.3.6f1) Install VRC Fury Import last Poiyomi Version Import the Avatar Package Done ! Terms Of Use : Do not reuse any of the assets from my avatars, you must buy them from their creators listed in the credits. If it's one of my creations, ask me in my dms (kaiylast on discord). Do not make my avatars public in any case. Do not share the package with anyone or upload it into someone else's account. Do not claim my avatars as your own or resell them, PERSONAL LICENSE ONLY. Do not remove any credits/name tags located in my avatars, if you'll do then you're breaking my TOU and you're not allowed to wear my avatars. No Trading or Leaking my models. Please fill up correctly your discord and VRC username when you buy, if you don't, you do not have the rights to use my avatars. All sales are final, no refunds. Personal and Private only editing is allowed, but you'll have to keep the name tags of mine on the avatar. ONLINE ACTIVITIES : Using my models for online activities (Youtube, Streaming...) is allowed but always give credit to my shop (https://kaiylast.gumroad.com/) You don't have to ask before but I'd love to be notified in my dms :). VTUBING : If you want to convert my models for vtubing, You are allowed but you MUST ask me before. Also always give proper credits on your videos/streams. @kaiylast Discord Server © 2024 Kaiylast, All rights reserved. Assets not appearing in the credits were self-made/commissioned Most of the assets below are heavily edited/retextured and none of these are for reuse. Thank you so much to all these amazing creators that permitted this avatar to exist ! Please show them support by visiting their shop <3 Ears by Sovi - Fishnet sleeve by Wiliem -Hand Acc by seo -Fishnet Bodysuit by Amboolents - Bandage by Bugs - Panties by Tilly -Bell Collar by Axurliz - Cargo by SnowHoe -Shorts by moobean -Belts by cosmichai -Hair by Saikura, Gwennovere, WetCat -Tail by KinxieWinks - Ears by TeddyGQ - Belly Piercing by Skulli - Glasses by velvet-Eyelashes and Eyebrows by Sivka-Horns by Octoburr-Leggings by Drea - Index Gestures by Snøww -Locomotion by wetcat - Body by Zinpia - Head by CicieaaaVR - GogoLoco by franada - Rings by B o o - Dynamics by Rafa- Footsteps System by RoboCap-Configurator by Wholesome -Marker by VRLabs-
Gumroad (kaiylast.gumroad.com)
@butters34 YOU ARE AWESOME
No reupload needed friends, enjoy