Deira Neo outfits
Outfit (n°1) (Deira Neo)
♡ Cheaper on PayHip ♡link to this asset on PayHipAssets included:1 top, 1 skirt, 1 jacket (3 meshes).Includes variations fitted to:Deira Neo.Model features: Blend and FBX file. UV Mapping. Rigged (with physbones for skirt). Shapekeys (check in the images which shapekeys are included). Textures included: 4 color textures (png images). 3 PSD file. 1 normal map NO includes unitypackage.All previews was rendered in Blender.This asset was created by Gell3D in 2024.If this asset is for sale, it's because it still works at the current date! ♡ ♡ terms of use ♡ ♡ discord server ♡
Gumroad (
Sailor School Uniform COMMERICAL LICENSE
If you enjoy this asset, Please consider leaving a rating! It helps me a lot as It'll get me more discovery and I can receive feedback!⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Details:6,254 Tris / PolysMade for Deira Neo by MariSupports Deira Neo's body blendshapesComes with .spp to textureComes with VRCFury prefab! (Just drag and drop into your avatar! No need to adjust as it's blendshape linked with the Deira Neo thanks to VRCFury!)RequirementsBasic unity knowledgePoiyomi Toon Shader (If using included material)VRCFury (Optional but required if using the VRCFury prefab)T.O.SYou're allow to do...Personal and commercial use allowed. If used commercially, you must credit me as the creator of the asset.You can do commissions with this product, as long as both parties own the asset.You can modify the asset to fit for you.You're NOT allowed to do...Redistribute or share the asset, no matter if modified or not.Claim the asset as your own.Use this on free/nitro models, this can only be used on your paid models.If you have any issues or questions about the asset or it's T.O.S, you can contact me through twitter, discord (Ahshotti) or telegram
Gumroad (
Here is "Outfit1Neo" for ya'll. Enjoy <33:
do these only fit the neo edit or also the original?
do these only fit the neo edit or also the original?
@NLgamer2000 They only fit the neo edit