Looking for ALTGARAGE
【オリジナル3Dモデル】ALTGARAGE - KUYUYU/電脳屋 - BOOTH
VRChat想定モデル、ALTGARAGE その他アプリケーション、ゲーム、動画配信等でもご利用頂けます。 機能解説( https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jfR_WzFt4Ii4FNb5qT0A0u8ywOt7j03n5I5d8pGmBVQ/edit?usp=sharing ) 着せ替えのマニュアル( https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ks4fsXK0wXMLvHjdF-RQxWoFuR_Wm6NGU_h6yBfmTL0/edit?usp=sharing )
Hello! did anyone have these avatar? looking for the .unitypackage so i can edit these avatar for myself.
Bumping up because still didn't found any intended resource
Bumping up because still didn't found any intended resource (2)
old post but here https://pixeldrain.com/u/Ft56ptwY
old post but here https://pixeldrain.com/u/Ft56ptwY
@ViralVivisection this is alt-chan, not altgarage
@ViralVivisection this is alt-chan, not altgarage
@woitt its altgarage, i know cause i put it in unity and uploaded it
@woitt its altgarage, i know cause i put it in unity and uploaded it
@ViralVivisection hey, where exactly is the model located at?
@ViralVivisection hey, where exactly is the model located at?
@xxntic this should be it, if not let me know, i might still have it in my downloads :] https://pixeldrain.com/u/Ft56ptwY