Upcoming: 2B Nier: Automata by Mayosplash
When both SFM and VRC become available post them here with the Blender model so I don't have to make another post for each because I'm too lazy to do so.
Bump, yea its on the website here; just so everyone is aware: https://mayosplash34.gumroad.com/l/YoRHa2B
Here you all go: https://gofile.io/d/QtW2JZ
Here you all go: https://gofile.io/d/QtW2JZ
@Sirlockinbottom Thank you for sharing the model with us.
Here you all go: https://gofile.io/d/QtW2JZ
@Sirlockinbottom for what ever reason the Gofile doesn't work for me. even if i got account.
@Sirlockinbottom for what ever reason the Gofile doesn't work for me. even if i got account.
@Monster-_ Updated link, try again: