LF Sport Dress for Novabeast!
Sport Dress for Novabeast! VRCFury Ready <3
-Colorfull, Sport dress for Novabeast <3-Package Includes Dress, Crop Jacket, Arm warmers and stockings :D-Includes: Unitypackage, with 4 materials (Yellow, pink, blue and green), Blend file, fbx file, Substance Painter File.-Blendshapes for brests toggle.-VRC Fury ready! Easy installation, with prepeared prefab's toggles!-Materials are set up using Poiyomi Toon shader v8.1-Import shader, before sweaterFor VRCFury users:-Import VRC Fury into your project, -Drop the prefab onto your modelFor manual installation:-Link armature bones to correct bones in avatar's armature,-Create toggles-Connect blendshapes with correct animations-Unity knowledge required!-Rules and ToS:-Both parties must own the asset and the model, in order to use in commission work.-This product is non-refundable. Remember that, when making a purchase!-In case of breaking rules, you will lose access to the files.-Do not claim ownership of the asset, even if modified.-Do not re-sell the asset, even if modified by you, other party must buy it also.-Do not use my assets on public avatars.-if you use my assets in your commission work, credit @joylifemg, much appreciated <3If you have any questions, regarding the asset, contact me on Discord: JoyLife,Join my Discord, to get notified about newest work in progress, or retextures in work:https://discord.gg/t78hBVdksJYou can see me working on new stuff and comissions on my Twitch channel <3Hopefully you drop by and leave a follow <3https://www.twitch.tv/joylifeartCheck out my Twitter for updates on comissions and other stuff:https://twitter.com/joylifemg
Gumroad (joylifemg.gumroad.com)