looking for this ava by yaoki
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i want to buy it, but it only says he will upload it into your account.
so, has anyone ever bought yaoki's avatar on taobao? does it come with the files or he just upload it into your account like in the discord server? -
Bump ^ I'm not sure but I hope someone can answer!
@komolet well that's a bummer. how can we get the avatar files then? if anyone knows.
@komolet well that's a bummer. how can we get the avatar files then? if anyone knows.
They also offer files for more than three times the price -
I got the link, but I won't be able to get it on my account because I'll get banned when I put it on VRChat and I'll need to redo the parameters and play it on Blender. I really don't know how to do that. If anyone can, here's the link
https://workupload.com/file/cMkykLP6YMU -
I got the link, but I won't be able to get it on my account because I'll get banned when I put it on VRChat and I'll need to redo the parameters and play it on Blender. I really don't know how to do that. If anyone can, here's the link
https://workupload.com/file/cMkykLP6YMU@Azahliel taking a look at the file you provided, most of the stuff required is there to repair it. It merely just requires material reassigning and remapping the params/fixing the controller, but apart from that its actually got everything there. I would repair it myself but I don't have the time to get nitty gritty and fix it, hopefully someone has enough time to fix it and upload a functional version. ^^