LF: 【Liloumois専用 】Body Texture Real skin+Material[HD-PSD]♥
【Liloumois専用 】Body Texture Real skin+Material[HD-PSD]♥ - No.39 - BOOTH
❤Supports Afdian: https://afdian.net/item/f9d50a1e25c911ef9a395254001e7c00 ❤必ず一読されてからのご購入検討をお願い致します!(特に注意点) ❤使用シェーダー https://booth.pm/ja/items/3087170 ❤内容物: ♡Unitypackage x1 [Delicate luster and skin texture] [繊細な光沢と肌のテクスチャ] ♡Body Texture(PSD) x1 ♡Body Texture(PNG) x2 [The entire body was
pics (body)
Face textures
Might end up buying face and body texture soon, keeping you posted.
Might end up buying face and body texture soon, keeping you posted.
@Ebox-Akuma did you get them ?
need for friend
2 friends actually