looking for Mouse
anyone ? :x
@SenpaiSquadd @Crises @Yuuki you guys want to split the Money and Buy it and then upload it here ?
No need to buy, will do myself.
But I will be grateful if someone could get me https://floppiii.booth.pm/ assets
No need to buy, will do myself.
But I will be grateful if someone could get me https://floppiii.booth.pm/ assets
No need to buy, will do myself.
But I will be grateful if someone could get me https://floppiii.booth.pm/ assets
@SylentYT sorry to bother but it seems like the NSFW Version in the package is broken i always get an Prefab error when i try to upload
@SylentYT sorry to bother but it seems like the NSFW Version in the package is broken i always get an Prefab error when i try to upload
@Kitsu00 try to remove the avatar id and try upload again
@NLgamer2000 i fixed it needed to import the Final IK V 1.9 Unitypackage
No need to buy, will do myself.
But I will be grateful if someone could get me https://floppiii.booth.pm/ assets
@SylentYT i don't have all but i have 7 of the effects. i hope it helps