LF: Diamond Bunny for Manuka
@BLACK0NYX Thank you!
Hate to point it out but I went to set it up and it appears for the Manuka Unity package ... upon import there's only the textures for the tights and the materials seem to not be set up properly otherwise, alongside there only being PSD files for the tights.Edit: I'm dumb, figured it out.
Hate to point it out but I went to set it up and it appears for the Manuka Unity package ... upon import there's only the textures for the tights and the materials seem to not be set up properly otherwise, alongside there only being PSD files for the tights.Edit: I'm dumb, figured it out.
@Sakurakaiyo how did you fix it? i have the same problem >_<
@BLACK0NYX Thank you for the share, do you happen to have the additions for Sio/Binah/Shinra?
しなの shinano pls
bump for updated models
bump for airi
bump for airi
bump for airi
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