LF: Maru VFX assets
MARU's workshop - BOOTH
히히, 귀여운걸 원하시나요? 뽀작스러운걸 원하시나요? 뽀시래기가 필요하신가요? 그렇다면 아주 잘 찾아오셨습니다![Maru's VFX] Altera's Wing(¥ 1,150), [MARU's VFX] Winter's SnowColletion(¥ 200), [Maru's VFX] Wisdom's SpellBind(¥ 1,900), [Maru's VFX] Daisy's FaceEmotion(¥ 200), [MARU's ACC] Acryl KeyRing(¥ 350), [Maru's VFX] Diva's Trail(¥ 200),
if you have any of these please!
Neko's footprint found by mintsheep I believe -