LF : Sophron by Keith3201
@zeta-zaza thank you for your efforts
@lana_corccyx Here you go!! Do take note that there are no PSDs or SPPs included with the avatar, it made me a bit disappointed.
@Hollowknight0969 could you
repost this link? its broken as of now -
@lana_corccyx Here you go!! Do take note that there are no PSDs or SPPs included with the avatar, it made me a bit disappointed.
Repost the linkkkkkkkkk -
i have it here! https://pixeldrain.com/u/qWqzueuw
@zeta.zaza THANK YOU
@zeta.zaza THANK YOU
i have it here! https://pixeldrain.com/u/qWqzueuw
@zeta.zaza thank you!, do you any chance had the 1.05 version? They got a cat variant of it with the new update
@zeta.zaza thank you!, do you any chance had the 1.05 version? They got a cat variant of it with the new update
@lana_corccyx i dont im sorry:( i dont own it
@zeta.zaza ahh no worries! I'm just gonna re-bump the threads for new version.
bump for version 1.05!