LF: Raruh by Torinyan and Limebreaker (and other assets)
Hey @LocalBozo, has C0 Eve ever sent you that Raruh code like they said they would?
@howlerwolfa B1TTY_Chestt Media Fire link doesn't let me download when i click download?
M.E.G.A. Chassis v1.0, hotfix and textures.
For those who prefer to be a bit more top heavy X3 -
Pfft.. I was looking for something I lost and I think someone already posted the M.E.G.A. Chassis, so I'll raise ya one and throw in the Coolant Tank for the GF Butt
https://mega.nz/folder/6H5R3ADK#4HbOWXbWPRpMb778z05S8w -
oh bet absolute w
NEED it works for most if not all attachments!
Found a 1.5 version of Raruh. Just the sfw version and nothing else sadly https://mega.nz/file/qeogHSRT#PNTy3ezwJ2jUXKEVhieG1-cVzSwxSdRM8R4Z7FJ9840
Found here https://vrchive.cunny.cf/Pages/avatars/
bump kitsune festival raruh