LF: Raruh by Torinyan and Limebreaker (and other assets)
Ive uploaded VRCfury variant with the stuff that it said i should have fix.... and it work hahah. it just works TBH. ive got all 3 variants of chassis with tthe proper animations and all.
Exhaust Pack & Short Hair [Raruh] [VRC Fury]
PUMP!Includes two different meshes-Short Hair-Exhaust PackFeatures:- Emissions- Animations- 2k Textures.- Audio Link- Physics- Easy Installation!These are assets for RARUHWith this asset you can add it to your avatar for use inside VRChat.Exhaust PackEXHAUST PACKAnimations!- Currently the whole exhaust pack is animated, including the tubing, valves, and the exhaust pipes,The tubes Pump, The valves move in and out of the pack, and the Exhaust pipes shake vigorously.Audio Link!- The emissions painted to the pack are setup with audio link enabled to match with raruh'sTechnicals- Materials - 1- Triangles - 6096- Bones - 4- Meshes - 1Short HairSHORT HAIRAudio Link!- The hair currently has some painted areas that are setup and matched with raruh'sTechnicals- Materials - 1- Triangles -30,033- Bones - 64- Meshes - 1INSTALLATIONInstallation is super and easy, REQUIRES VRC FURY 1.970.0 all you need to do is drag and drop the prefabs onto the avatar in the HierarchyHit play anddd BOOM! Everything should work as intended.Currently there are no toggles added in for the hair so that's up to the user for now.CONTENTS:Raruh_Exhaust_Pack_And_Short_Hair.unitypackageCREDITS:Hair Model:https://nessy.storeRaruh Concept Artist:https://x.com/LimeBreakerRaruh Avatar:https://torinyan.gumroad.com/l/RaruhFEEDBACK!Feedback is much appreciated, I want to listen to people to try to improve, and hearing from my beloved customers and their (Nice) Critics will help me improve and fix what is broken or un-optimized. I'm always happy to talk and connect with the community!SUPPORTContact me via discord.Support Server:discord.gg/b8dJjwkrM2Discord: pouchy.TOSI cannot be held accountable for any damages resulting from the use of this model. I retain all authoring rights to the model, and by purchasing it, you are acquiring the right to utilize the asset. Selling the source files or any modifications that include the original or modified parts of the model is strictly prohibited. However, if you personally create attachments, custom clothing, props, or other items for this model, you are permitted to sell them separately, ensuring that no original data from my model is included.Reselling or distributing any part of this model, in any form, is not allowed. However, you have the freedom to create and sell your own clothing items separately. You are granted permission to use this model for commercial purposes such as videos, games, events, and streams, as long as the source files are not made publicly available for download or use.If you choose to use this model for VTubing, games, streams, or any other form of content creation, please give credit to me as the creator of the content.For personal use, you may employ this model, but refrain from publicly uploading it to avatar pedestals, as data security cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, please avoid uploading the model to your friends' accounts, as the purchase grants you a single license only.You are permitted to share the model data with a trusted mod maker for personal modifications. This mod maker is allowed to perform commercial modifications but is not allowed to use, share, or distribute the model in any way. The source data they receive should be deleted once their work is completed.I retain authoring rights for any mesh and textures created using the original data, and they are subject to the same usage terms.Buyers are responsible for any violations of the usage terms that occur due to sharing the model with a third party.
Gumroad (pouchyyboi.gumroad.com)
Here you guys go for the modded textures for raruh
https://mega.nz/file/TLBjDbbZ#9JSNOife8LEa5jYfxAZibGQBT6ff5UStabrj-1O95aM@Cool1234ew2 the modded texture will have an update at some point to go with the chasis set
Coolant Tanks [Raruh Asset]
After initial trials the GF line of Raruhs ran into issues maintaining efficient internal temperatures while packing and carrying palettes of cans. Researchers have begun testing fluid tanks which can pump a patented new coolant through high temperature components. Includes Blendshapes to match the tail and ponytail animations!Menu for changing fluid level and parameters in game!Customizable shader with color swapping, foam lines, and more!Original avi by @torinyannyan1 and @LimeBreaker https://torinyan.gumroad.com/l/RaruhThis asset uses a Fluid Shader made by @MinionsArt https://pastebin.com/MzDHha9y See more work from them here! https://minionsart.github.io/tutorials/3.2k TrisCan be added with Blender, Modular Avatar, or VRCFury!Tail Grabpass in the demonstration video uses the pink tint mask for inverted alpha and grabpass masks with .5 for Grabpass blend amount and no refraction or blur. If you have any issues let me know!
Gumroad (jeandnim.gumroad.com)
Heres gothic owl fresh from booth. https://workupload.com/archive/CUyQZAZ8Cr
Here you guys go for the modded textures for raruh
https://mega.nz/file/TLBjDbbZ#9JSNOife8LEa5jYfxAZibGQBT6ff5UStabrj-1O95aM@Cool1234ew2 can you help me put it on my avatar
@Cool1234ew2 can you help me put it on my avatar
@vividvila Use modular avatar
@vividvila Use modular avatar
@howlerwolfa i had it added
@Tigy theres a blendshape for it and a toggle already
Chasis Module: (Drag in the HOTFIX First) https://www.mediafire.com/file/3jw4wyqdpxx6iow/Chasis+Raruh+Module.zip/file
@howlerwolfa can u upload the tutorial vid with it? ;w; im not confident on how to set it up
can someone buy this. i wouldve boud it but gumroad is being stupid
Ive uploaded VRCfury variant with the stuff that it said i should have fix.... and it work hahah. it just works TBH. ive got all 3 variants of chassis with tthe proper animations and all.
@Tigy theres a blendshape for it and a toggle already
theres a blendshape on the robot part aka the body if you turn it all the way up it should vanish and theres a toggle in the nsfw that you turn on and the "bandages" disappear
just scroll all the way down and it says no_ducttape
what i did to keep blenshapes to stay in game is a made a toggle with vrcfury for the blenshapes i wanted and they just stay and i also use unlimited params since i have so many "blendshape toggles"
just scroll all the way down and it says no_ducttape
what i did to keep blenshapes to stay in game is a made a toggle with vrcfury for the blenshapes i wanted and they just stay and i also use unlimited params since i have so many "blendshape toggles"
@Tigy anytime