𝐆𝐈𝐅𝐓: VRM&素体【穂音愛(ほのあ)】水着Ver
Greetings and salutations all. I'm brand new to this community, so I have no doubt I am committing one faux pas or another, but I wanted to offer up the few assets that I've accumulated in my limited time as my way of saying thank you to the many people in this community that have been so generous in making available their own accumulated assets. It has been extremely helpful for me as I dive into the world of 3D avatars and the like for the first time. I responded to the individual request posts where they existed, but I wasn't able to locate such a post for these last couple assets, so hopefully this is an acceptable way to go about posting them. My natural instinct is to consolidate them into a single post, but it seems like in general, posting assets individually (except in the case of large asset dumps) seems to be the norm, so that is what I shall do.
【商品概要】 本商品は衣装付き女性素体モデルデータです。 VRMモデルも付いていますので、すぐに利用もできます。 また、自由にカスタム(改変)して、VTuberなどのアバターの制作など、幅広く利用できます。VRChatやMMDなどの他のデータ形式にも改変して構いません。 ※法人での利用はできません。個人での利用のみ可能(VTuberなどでの収益化OK)です。 ※本モデルは改変の有無に関わらず、配布・販売は出来ません。 配布や販売を目的に素体をご利用されたい方は、本ショップ内にある「女性素体モデル01(Blender)」をご購入願います。