So I know this was kinda disscussed here butI was wondering if anyone would be willing to kind of make base SDK of the model type and share it here
Other form about this https://forum.ripper.store/topic/18048/what-blend-shapes-does-the-manuka-have-changed?_=1715899433260
@Funny Man
To everyone I pinged I pinged you because you all either A showed interest in this topic or B showed ability on figuring things out or C showed the ability on creation
where did you find these avatars? or what is the name for them if you know?
good luck lol, very doubtful anyone would go through all of that effort. it's just a manuka edit, you can do it in unity if you want one
where did you find these avatars? or what is the name for them if you know?
@Steiner_xD hmm is the twitter person
@PurpleBoy THANK YOU
@PurpleBoy TYY