LF: YPT E-girl by Yes Please Ty
PC ONLYThis version is different from the one that I have public! Check the video and list of toggles for updated information on what she has. DO NOT base you purchase decision on my public model!World name is YPT Avatar World.I make avatars for myself mostly and I make them to my own tastes and perferences and also tomy own standards.Seperate DPS and Non DPS scenes in the package.Upload instructions are written on the bottom of this page and in a more detailed way in a .txt file!VRCSDK and Poiyomi Toon are included in the .rar file!Poiyomi Pro and Raliv's Dynamic Penetration System are NOT included!If you're gonna edit the body texture of this avatar make sure to either edit an existing material or just make sure to add your new one in the animations for the material wheel and the dissolve. This goes for every material because every material except for the metals and the chair on this avatar are on a radial wheel. Also make sure to add your new material to the dissolve animations!You buy this avatar as-is.TogglesFull body dissolveClothes:ShortsKhaki ShortsJean ShortsJeansCrop topTank topBodysuitSmoller crop topJacketThigh high pleaser bootsKnee bootsHeelsUndiesAccessories:Pony tail hair2 pig tails hairShort hairPony lengthBlindfoldMaskGlovesChokerTailColors: (material swaps and hue shift on EVERYTHING)TattoosTattoo hueSkin toneHairEye hueParticles huePantsTopsCrop topJacketJacket rimBootsAccessoriesMetals (silver or gold; swaps metal color on all meshes + 1 body texture)Color intensity sliders for all clothing (works on the hue shift part of the radial wheels)Props:Droppable pole (world constraint)Hand particlesFeet particlesParticle sizeDroppable chair (world constraint)Chair sizeDPS:Vag, ass, left/right hand, left/right foot, mouth, thighs, between feet, PP, boob job.Don't judge meLocomotion:GoGo LocomotionFake play space, different crouch/prone animations.TOSNo public uploadsNo sharing with anyoneNo uploads for friends/SONo resellingNo leakingNo claiming this as your ownNo re-using assets from this avatar for your own unless you've purchased the assets from their creators (they're all creditted below)!You buy this avatar as-is; no refundsCreditsBase: pandaabear.gumroad.comHead: krivr.gumroad.comJacket: Darcyvr.gumroad.comShorts 1: picklebarrel3d.gumroad.comShorts 2: zeit.gumroad.comJeans and jean shorts: lolo-vrchat.gumroad.comBra: itzq.gumroad.comPanties: beaniebaby.gumroad.comTail: cupkakes-haven.myshopify.comChoker: payhip.com/b/clCogHair 1: sezzy.gumroad.comHair 2: krivr.gumroad.comHair 3: milkymommy.gumroad.comHeels: aantara.gumroad.comBoots (both): gashina.gumroad.comBodysuit and crop top: evorain.gumroad.comShort crop top: itzq.gumroad.comTank top: milkymommy.gumroad.comBlindfold: moonlightpeachh.gumroad.comMask: nepnewp.gumroad.comChained gloves: lunaraii.gumroad.comHand and feet particles: raivovfx.booth.pmBody textures: smoluni.gumroad.comMenu icons: smoluni.gumroad.com, bremmy.gumroad.com, bunamour.gumroad.comDPS setup: https://fluffs.gumroad.comDPS: https://raliv.gumroad.com/Locomotion: https://booth.pm/en/items/3290806The pole is just a unity cylinder with a metal material on it.If I have something you made on this avatar and somehow forgot to credit you please message me!Uploading:Create a new Unity 2019.4.31f1 projectImport DPS if you wish to use itImport Egirl UPDATED packagePick DPS or Non DPS sceneLog in to your VRC account through the SDK Control PanelUpload!
Gumroad (yespleasety.gumroad.com)
+1 pls