LF: SPS Setup Prefab for Manuka
Just use wholesome sps configurator and set it up yourself. It is actually easy and requires less than 5 mins. Just move the sockets to your desired location, but generally SPS goes to the correct location. SPS configurator is free
Just use wholesome sps configurator and set it up yourself. It is actually easy and requires less than 5 mins. Just move the sockets to your desired location, but generally SPS goes to the correct location. SPS configurator is free
@pinkcookie2777 When installing sps, the huge amount of letters that appear around the gizmo makes it impossible to put sps in the correct position. When i press the turn off the gizmo button, the letter disappears, but at the same time, the sps gizmo itself disappears, making it impossible to install sps as well. That's why this asset is needed
Tried setting sps up once and must have messed up somewhere because the avatar squirts whenever I jump xd
Tried setting sps up once and must have messed up somewhere because the avatar squirts whenever I jump xd
@EepieEevee does jumping cause ur squirt??? Ur slut girl XD
how about this one? (free btw)