LF: Steampunk Sniper Rifle
Steampunk Sniper Rifle (VRChat/SDK3)
TERMS OF USE:You may add this to public avatarsYou may resell this asset on FINISHED avatarsYou may NOT sell this assets by itself, edited or notYou may post monetized content (pictures/videos/streams) with this assetThis is the Sniper Rifle that I created to be released alongside my first VRChat avatar, Crosshare.This package is for if you only want the rifle and particle effects to add them to your own existing avatar.THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE A COMPLETED AVATAR.DO NOT BUY THIS UNLESS YOU HAVE A BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF AVATAR CREATION AND THE VRCHAT AV3 SYSTEM.If you wish to buy a completed avatar with this rifle, please check out Crosshare.This model requires the use of Poiyomi Pro 7.3 and does not include it within the package.The animations included with this asset will work with Write Defaults set to either "On" OR "Off". It does not matter which your avatar uses.\/ 3D RENDER AVAILABLE TO VIEW ON SKETCHFAB \/https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/steampunk-sniper-rifle-8545fb95004c40f0bb6c349ff182923e
Gumroad (breamvr.gumroad.com)