LF NovaPup by PxINKY (Novabeast edit)
You have to have ownership to the novabeast to be able to purchase the edit and get it from pxinky
wait, is all this is, is adding deira paws and puppy ears to the nova?
wait, is all this is, is adding deira paws and puppy ears to the nova?
@Dangernoodle48 yea
@Dangernoodle48 yea
@help_the_femboyx weeeeeeell it isn't much but i put together a rough draft fbx of this for you. does need to be textured and I used the fbx the other guy improved upon so it is nsfw. the weightpainting on the arm bend probably needs a little more specific work to get it perfect but i tried in the little time i worked on it. LMK if tehres anything i can do to work out some kinks. but Here's to the community doing it's thing again
@help_the_femboyx weeeeeeell it isn't much but i put together a rough draft fbx of this for you. does need to be textured and I used the fbx the other guy improved upon so it is nsfw. the weightpainting on the arm bend probably needs a little more specific work to get it perfect but i tried in the little time i worked on it. LMK if tehres anything i can do to work out some kinks. but Here's to the community doing it's thing again
@Dangernoodle48 yee oki so ill make a prefab :3 if that what ppl want :3
@help_the_femboyx weeeeeeell it isn't much but i put together a rough draft fbx of this for you. does need to be textured and I used the fbx the other guy improved upon so it is nsfw. the weightpainting on the arm bend probably needs a little more specific work to get it perfect but i tried in the little time i worked on it. LMK if tehres anything i can do to work out some kinks. but Here's to the community doing it's thing again
@Dangernoodle48 there is a whole in the hand made it pink so you can see it
@Dangernoodle48 there is a whole in the hand made it pink so you can see it
weird, shows up for me in blender. im gonna open up a unity project and see whats up