BasicDynamics v1.0 & v1.2 ✔
I'm giving away the BasicDynamics asset as a gift to this community. Instead of uploading it to an external site, I've made the files available directly from my cloud. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
Udon Fondue:
- BasicDynamics.png:
- BasicDynamics v1.0.unitypackage:
- BasicDynamics v1.2.unitypackage:
Credit me please, if you share it!
Thankyou! I was literial coming on to look for this!
@SilverWing42 Oh nice. Just that people know. I found v1.2 on a random avatar in a unityproject of mine for whatever reason. So just have a look at the avatars your getting...
@Louis_45 Truth I found some advanced index, camsimpleblink, msage pets, and other assets on avatars I found. Came with the installation scripts, controllers, and everything and been lifesavers!
@pinkcookie2777 if you still have the some of the msage pet, can you link it? thanks in advance!
@pinkcookie2777 please share the stuff!!!