GIFT: セレスティア大人化プリセット3種+PSD selestia preset
Had been loking around for the adult Selestia preset and saw that no one had it so I figure that I'd buy it myself and share it with y'all!
セレスティア大人化プリセット3種+PSD / selestia preset and PSD - 大人化計画+プリセット屋 - BOOTH
本製品は下記のアバターが無いと作動しません。 下URLからお買い求めください。 【PB対応】オリジナル3Dモデル「セレスティア」 すぐアップロードしてすぐ使えます。 この商品の主コンテンツはパラメーター調整された(改変された)シーンデータと追加分PSDになります。 unity packageが入っていますのでunityへインポートしてご使用ください。 改変顔に合わせた表情データをFXに入れる作業が必要です。(要3分) 主な変更点や内容物(詳細は商品画像部分に有ります) ・体型の大人化
Here's the download link, let me know if the link needs to be re-uploaded or fixed!
K K0GAL referenced this topic on
thank you!
@SmokeyGJ i did get some answers, mostly blender is the only way (theres no way arround it), unless if the outfit comes with the support modification for the adult version of the selestia (if the creator of the asset makes it for it) the it can, but if not, need use blender.
@SmokeyGJ i did get some answers, mostly blender is the only way (theres no way arround it), unless if the outfit comes with the support modification for the adult version of the selestia (if the creator of the asset makes it for it) the it can, but if not, need use blender.
@SmokeyGJ i did get some answers, mostly blender is the only way (theres no way arround it), unless if the outfit comes with the support modification for the adult version of the selestia (if the creator of the asset makes it for it) the it can, but if not, need use blender.