I got $60 and willing to buy one avatar to share
https://rezuraofficial.booth.pm/items/5234130 -
This post is deleted!
🦴 𝑩 𝑶 𝑵 𝑬 🦴 [PC + Quest]
Unity Package for Unity 2019Quest compatible!- All gestures/idle animations/ etc, FBX+Prefab included.- Phys bones: Ears ,Hair,Tail, Elf ears, Chains- Colliders on whole body + floor collider for hair/tail- Toggles via Inventory System:- Custom made facial gesture animations- Extra features: • Hair Change • Hair Color Change • Multiple Outfits • DPS • Hue Shift Eyes/Clothing/Hair • Marker • Grabbable Plushy • FBT Ready- Future features: • Saturation Settings • Brightness Settings • Trails • VRCDynamics Animations • and more...- DPS: • PP • Hands • MouthUpload Instructions:• Import SDK3• Import Poiyomi Toon (Newest)• Import Dynamic Penetration• Import Avatar packageAll in that order.!! MAKE SURE TO READ MY TERMS OF USE/TERMS OF SERVICE !!By purchasing any of my Models/Assets you agree to the following rules above, if said rules be broken, you are a subject to be taken action against according to the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act).YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE THIS MODEL (WHOLE DESIGN) FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE BUT PERSONAL ONLY THAT MEANS - NO COMMERCIAL- NO VTUBING CONVERSIONTHIS IS MY OC AND IAM THE ONLY RIGHTHOLDER FOR THE CHARACTER OF THIS MODEL IN ANY EDITED WAYYou are NOT allowed to take/reuse ANY assets (meshes,mesh edits,textures,texture edits,icons,etc.) off this model for your own (personal or commercial) use.Credits:Head - CicieaaaVR (https://cicieaaavr.gumroad.com)(you are NOT allowed to use my edit in any way)Hair - Onion#1515 (https://onionvr.gumroad.com)(you are NOT allowed to use my edit in any way)Glasses - 𝙴𝙻#6173 (https://elshops.gumroad.com/l/updtn)Hand Gestures - Wolvei#0001 (https://wolvei.gumroad.com/l/Better_Gestures)Bunny Hat/Gloomy Bear - ничто#6666 (Booster)Shoes - Plaz#0891 (https://plaz.gumroad.com/)Icons - Skulli#7154 (https://skulli.gumroad.com/l/summoningritualicons)Body/Sweater/Pants/Hoodie/Choker/Ears/Tail/Piercings/Chains and everything else by me [geist#0001 (https://geistvrc.gumroad.com/)]DISCORDThank you ♡
Gumroad (geistvrc.gumroad.com)
I think you should choose one that you like and share it if you wish. People here want everything for free.
Page not found (404) - Gumroad
Gumroad is a powerful, but simple, e-commerce platform. We make it easy to earn your first dollar online by selling digital products, memberships and more.
397:単眼メイド - おーがーめいど - BOOTH
VRChatでの使用を想定した3Dモデル「397」です。 単眼メイドアバターです。 「278」と一部共通素体です。 liltoonを使用しています。(https://booth.pm/ja/items/3087170) 表情はハンドジェスチャーで表示します。(エクスプレッションメニュー非搭載です) (デスクトップの場合、左右Shift+F1~F8) 制作者:maderobo145
✦ Toasti ⋮ Comfy Deer Avatar (PC/QUEST) ✦
The coziest and simplest little deer avatar for your comfy needs! ♡══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════My first paid avatar! I am aware that there are little issues with clipping but for a first, I'm still really proud of them and excited to share Toasti with you! If there is anything you would like to personally fix/add, feel free to do so! (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ) Thank you Empy for helping me record and take photos <33☆ Features ☆- 13 toggles including cardigan, turtleneck, pants, shorts, shoes, sweater, waist chain, glasses, ears, tail, horns, long hair and toast (and they do have underwear underneath but they are SFW!)- 5 skin tones- 4 hair colors- 3 cardigan colors- Material swaps for black/white on the turtleneck + pants!- Most recent GoGo LocoThe only difference on quest is that they don't have glasses══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════☆ PC + QUEST STATS ☆═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════☆ TERMS OF SERVICE ☆✖ Do not asset mine from this model (take assets from it for your own), please buy the assets from the original creators!✖ Keep your avatar private, do not publicize the model or put it in a world✖ Please be sure you want this avatar! Warning you again that there are issues like clipping in this model and included several images + video, all sales are final and please do not chargeback ;;✖ No price splitting is allowed✖ My avatars can only be found on gumroad here, any other source is not from me✖ Redistribution is prohibited- If anyone else wishes to upload for you, you must both own the avatar in order to do so- I do free uploads so do DM me over on discord (qrowzo) ღ Feel free to edit them as much as you'd like!ღ You are allowed to use them for streaming═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════☆ CREDITS !! ☆Head + Body/Underwear : https://23mink.gumroad.com/l/RosieHead // https://nikkiepng.com/products/uta-base?variant=43514339557625Hair(s) : https://saikura.gumroad.com/l/WhiteRabbit // https://miruushop.com/b/zQhKL // https://velvie.gumroad.com/l/LeiaHair?layout=profileHair card textures : https://nikkiepng.com/products/nikkies-hair-textures Ears + Tail : https://kenvi.gumroad.com/l/wchqx?layout=profile&recommended_by=library // https://oursevr.gumroad.com/l/tailpack2?layout=profileTurtleneck : https://hayweee.gumroad.com/l/TurtleneckHayweee?layout=profile&recommended_by=libraryCardigan : https://holoexe.gumroad.com/l/yrxqh?layout=profileSweater : https://payhip.com/b/fmbL4 shorts : https://wen3d.com/b/CWzls pants : https://shyneko.gumroad.com/l/silentnight?ref=jinxxyChoker : https://idraxo.gumroad.com/l/wyUpJ?layout=profile&recommended_by=libraryGlasses : https://moonjellyvr.gumroad.com/l/glasses?layout=profile&recommended_by=librarySocks : https://boovr.gumroad.com/l/notoesocks?layout=profile&recommended_by=libraryShoes : https://wen3d.com/b/tRZB4Paw chain : https://sockembopem.gumroad.com/l/fnofdf?ref=jinxxyToast : https://jinxxy.com/VioletPuppy/realistic_cute_toastFake index gestures : https://doubleaa.gumroad.com/l/gestureindex?layout=profileGoGo Loco : https://franadavrc.gumroad.com/l/gogoloco?layout=profile═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
Gumroad (qrowzo.gumroad.com)
Buy the Avatar here!: Jinxxy.com/OMZ41/PhyrBuy the Avatar here!: Jinxxy.com/OMZ41/PhyrBuy the Avatar here!: Jinxxy.com/OMZ41/PhyrBuy the Avatar here!: Jinxxy.com/OMZ41/PhyrBuy the Avatar here!: Jinxxy.com/OMZ41/Phyr
Gumroad (omz41.gumroad.com)
Gabriella (Fast Food Cow) (GoGo, PC, Index Gestures)
If you wish to have this model in your Gumroad library, please make a ticket in my server to purchase ONLY thru Paypal and/or CashApp. To get this at it's original price, please click the Payhip link here. Same with see all credits, photos, toggle video, etc.Please join my server for help, questions, comments, concerns, upload help, toggle video, etc.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stats with/out:Overall Performance: Very PoorPoly Count: 288,797 / 275,955 TrisMeshes: 21 / 20Materials: 59 / 53Texture Memory: 106.24 MB / 104.38 MBDownload Size In Game: 33.76 MB---------------------------------------------------------------------Disclaimer:This is a personal sculpt of this base, done by Skuny#0087. I've also re-uv the neck from the old Panda base to fix the weird gap from other textures, so this is fixed. The nails and toe nails to fit any nail texture for the Paandabear base (I also re-uved them). I also added a tip toe blendshape. I sculpted the feet and each toe nails onto the feet using Honey Labs nails. (This is on top of Scarlett's sculpt.)Ask me for personal use of this base. You must own rights to the base and Honey Labs nail mesh: https://honeylab.gumroad.com/l/Angelnails.Please join my server for any questions. <3------------------------------------------------------------TOS:You are not allowed to take anything off of the avatar to use for resale purposes.Please buy from original creators. Please do not redistribute, no sharing, price splitting or leaking. Please do not make them public. If you need help with uploading or with the price, DM me! We can work something out.All uploads for this model must be private, please do not upload it public. No re-selling this package or claiming as yourown.You are allowed to use my head edits and base edit for PERSONAL USE. Please buy the license from their respected creators and support them. For commercial use, DM me.No refunds. If you request refund or as fraud, you will be banned/blacklisted unless given a valid reason why. You not having any money is not my problem. I also have the right to revoke access, refund you fully and blacklist you if any problem occurs, or new info is brought to the table about any form of malicious intent, leaking, etc.If the model breaks due to VRC updates, I will do my best to fix them but will not be my priority since it is not a wrong on my end. Any mistakes on my end I will fix when possible.You are not allowed to use any of my models if you are associated with VSF, Megasltverse and Maze. (If I find out you use my models to record content for Maze, I will refund you and take away your license and blacklist you.) You are allowed to use my models on social media and streaming websites as long as you credit me, ask first, I like seeing my models being used!You are not allowed to edit and re-sell my models. All my models are concepts and ideas made by me.If this is a gift for someone, click the gift option and add their email and discord. If you buy it for someone under you, I will refund you and ask you do it properly. Unless you ask me for permission to upload for someone. (I also do not care if you and other party don't work out, do not ask me again to upload it to someone else again. Tell them to buy the model.)You are not allowed to headswap my models to any loli, booth,ToriNyan or Hoppu heads. Or use my models for content with other models that resemble child like or young looking avatars.If you are VTuber or wanna use my avis for content creation outside of Twitch, Kick, Fansly, OnlyFans, etc, you need to have permission to use them. If you do so without having permission from me, you will be blacklisted, and will be DMCA.This model is also/only intended and allowed for VRChat.You cannot use my models if you have been banned AND blacklisted from my server. I have the right to revoke your license at any time if proof has been given to me showing any recent malicious behavior.You cannot use my models in anyway shape and/or form that is hateful (sexist, trans/homophobic, racist, pedophilic, etc). You cannot use them also on NFTS, AI and Crypto-----------------------------------------------------How to Import thru VRC CC:Poithen Model!This model was done in Unity 2022.3.6f1. Make sure you have the correct version.This model was done with VRCFury and it is needed!-----------------------------------------------------Required:VRC FuryBasic Unity Knowledge.Poi 9 (Most Recent)-----------------------------------------------------
Gumroad (milkfbx.gumroad.com)
Here's a furry if you're into that
https://zeesstudio.gumroad.com/l/ZeelineNSFW?layout=profile -
I'll throw this one in here, I'm pretty fond of it but it isn't to popular. But do choose anything you want to buy it is your own money and thank you for your generosity.
https://booth.pm/en/items/5091987 -
れんずちゃん lens chan / オリジナル3Dモデル - Gugenka - BOOTH
かめ山さんデザイン! 丸メガネが似合う表情豊かでかわいい女の子れんずちゃんが登場💖 もち山金魚さんから販売中の、うささきさん https://booth.pm/ja/items/3550881 と共通素体です。 表情は12種類設定されています。 EXメニューでゆったりとした服装へ簡単に替えができます。 スマホだけで簡単にアバターをアップロードできる「れんずちゃん for MakeAvatar」もXMarketで販売中です! ▶ https://xr-marketplace.com/package/1213 ※BOOTHで販売しているアバターと仕様が異なります。 アバターデザイン:かめ山(