Help wanted: how to use and implement DPS system into avatar? (Solved! Thanks to Louis_45 and Finn!)
This is a pretty good tutorial for it. Otherwise you could use SPS which I would recommend and which can be easier to install.
recommand the SPS configurator + VRCfury setup
made it really really easy to setup
can also use the Wholesome PP thingy if you want it, since it' very easy to setup -
I'll get the package and stuff, i already have VRCfury installed so it shouldn't be an issue hopefully
Wholesome pp thingy?? OkayOne more thing, do anyone know how to make like sub menu with emote or animation? I can't find good tutorial of it on Youtube
with VRCFury you can make submenu with just telling the path
like if you want a sub menu call "Outfit" you can put for exemple in the path : Toggle/Outfit/"clothes"
and when you press play it will create the submenu Toggle, then Outfit, then a toggle called "clothes"