LF : Rabi Furriverse
Does anyone have this model?
[Contents]Unitypackage, Blender, fbx files of this model. png, psd files of textures.[How to upload model]1. Create a new unity project.2. Import VRCSDK3.3. If you use Dynamic Bone, import it. (You have to buy it in the unity assets store.) If you don't use it, delete 'dynamicbone' object.4. Import Liltoon shader. - This model uses Liltoon shader. (https://booth.pm/ko/items/3087170)5. Import unitypackage file of this model.[Features]SDK 3.0 basedThe number of polygons : 30255Lipsync, eyetracking, Physics boneFacial expressions : 8 typesMaterials : 4[Agreements]Model copyrights belong to Dracofenrir(Twitter@dracofenrir).Design copyrights belong to RAKUROBIT(Twitter@RAKUROBIT).Modifications are allowed.Sexual uses (R-18) are allowed.Redistribution and resell are prohibited.Religious activities and political activities using the model are prohibited.unlawful, defamatory, libelous, profane, harassing, threatening or other inappropriate uses are prohibited.If you want to use this model in commercial use, please contact us. It need our permission.We have no responsibility for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of the model.If you have any questions, please contact Twitter @dracofenrir or @Furriverse DM.
Gumroad (furriverse.gumroad.com)