LF: Sakura by Zeffyr
Sakura - The Flower Nymph (PC/Quest)
Born from a Sakura tree, this nymph abides in Olympia's gardens frolicking and mingling with the creatures born there. One day, she encounters another nymph... a nymph whom she grows quite fond of.Please visit my discord server for avatar requirements as well as other important information!Zeffyr's Discord ServerWardrobe 3 outfitsOutfits can be mixed and matched! Toggleable accessories: -> Circlet -> Hair Decorations -> Earrings -> Face Gems -> Rings -> Rings -> Belly Piercing 3 Hairstyle Variations: -> Ponytail -> Hair Bun -> Ponytail/Hair Bun combined Species toggles: -> Bunny Ears/Tail -> Horns -> Heart tail -> Human/Elf Ears -> Wings Props and Spells Turn Invisible -> Staff, Ribbons, and Hand trails don't turn off! This can create cool performance effects. Staff -> Toggle a staff prop custom made for Sakura! Has a special spawn-in animation with particle effects The Staff can be passed from hand to hand using the fist gestures Can be locked into place with a world constraint. Pose it wherever you like! The Heart Gem can be toggled into a springjoint. Either point at it with your left finger or toggle it manually. Dance Ribbons -> Spawn in the newly popular ribbons custom made for this model!Ribbons have a special spawn in similar to the staff. You can also alter its size with a radial toggle. Hand trails -> Toggle on simple hand sparkles for a fun effect! Customization: Skin radial (From very pale to darker skin) -> Transitions smoothly with decals Hue shifts for Eyes, Makeup, Clothes Hair customization: -> 6 Hair material swaps -> Hair hue shift (only on last 2 material swaps) -> Emission strength -> Emission hue Metallics customization: -> Metal swap from gold to silver -> Metal hue shifts Size Sliders: -> Bangs -> Ponytail -> Wings -> Front horns -> Side Horns -> Heel shape -> etc. Lighting: -> General brightness -> Emission brightness -> Skin outlines -> Clothing outlines -> Hair outlines Expressions: 6 Custom Gestures Gesture hand control: Toggles to control gestures being triggered by the left or right hand. Helps to prevent odd gesture combining. Idle toggle: Controls the wings, bunny parts, and the heart tail. Proximity Effect: When Sakura's counterpart, Wisteria, is close by her idles will speed up and her circlet gem will begin to glow. This can be toggled on or off. Contact toggles: One each for Head pats, Nose boops, and Eye pokes. Other (Quality of Life!) Gogo Locomotion Icons made by Maddiiee Custom Blinking Idle (Inspired by Vtuber styled wobble effects!) Head connected to neck. Seamless connection! Chibi Version: Toggles Included: -> Garter -> Right glove -> Left glove -> Arm beads -> Circlet -> Hair deco -> Earrings -> Face gems -> Rings -> Belly piercing -> Hair bun -> Hair ponytail Species Included: -> Wings -> Heart tail -> Horns -> Bunny parts All props and spells features included Customization: -> Skin swap -> Eye hue -> Clothes hue -> Hair mat swap -> Hair hue -> Hair emissions ->Hair emission hue ->Metal swap -> Metal hue -> Ponytail size -> Bang size -> Wing size -> Horns sizes -> General lighting -> Emission lighting -> Skin/Hair/Clothing outlines All expression/idle features included except for eye boop Opti Version: Toggles included: -> Sweater -> Collar -> Garter -> Circlet -> Hair Deco -> Face Gems Species: -> Bunny ears/tail -> Human/Elf ears Customization: -> Eye hue -> Makeup Hue -> Clothes hue -> Metallic hue -> Bang size -> General lighting -> Emission lighting -> Skin outlines Quest Version: Toggles included: -> All gloves -> All tights -> Collar -> Skirt -> Shoes -> Comfy Outfit -> Circlet Species: -> Bunny -> Horns -> Hear tail -> Human ears -> Wings Customization: -> Hair length -> Wing size -> Horn size Expressions: -> LH gestures only -> Idle toggle -> Head pats -> Nose boops Example of Sakura's quest version in Unity!Go check out Wisteria by Loki's Vanity!Loki and I worked together to make these cute matching collaborative avatars. Their idles react to one another when they get close!Visit Loki's Vanity Gumroad to find out more about Wisteria:Loki's Shop You cannot redistribute, share, resell or make this avatar/package public (Edited or as is). This package is to be privately used by you alone. If you are buying Sakura as part of the Valentines' couple deal, please understand that if you'd like to purchase the model for another person that they become the owner of that package. This means you are not allowed access to the package yourself unless you purchase a copy yourself! If you need an upload done please visit my server where I can provide assistance. I will not offer refunds for this package. If you run into any issues with the package you can reach out to me on discord. The assets that are not made by myself are NOT allowed to be reused unless you have purchased these assets yourself OR if their TOS allows it. Please see the credits for links to these assets and to check for their rules. The Staff and Ribbons are NOT to be reused even on private models. They are to only be used with Sakura and Wisteria. They are not purchasable in any way as these were custom-made for these avatars alone. The rest of the assets on this avatar that are handmade by me can only be reused for PRIVATE projects. You do not have commercial rights to these assets unless you have purchased the rights for them through my Gumroad. This also includes any textures drawn from scratch by me. This avatar is set up for VRchat. Please contact me first if you would like to use it for a different platform. Failure to follow these rules will result in legal action. Body by Torinyan Body/Head textures by Ying.VR Head by Sivka Eye textures by Mooshi Rings by Sohvi Hair Bun by Meowuw Ponytail Hair by Sleepy Hair Sticks by Hayami 3D Softy Outfit Set by Jorbur Cozy Socks by ccwuvschu Heart Toe Beans by VitalityWolf Bunny Ears/Tail by Gell Heart Tail by Blankchii Horns by Vinuzhka Fairy Wings by Naudine Dance Ribbons by Loki Chibi Base by Blood Menu Icons by Maddiiee Ribbon Matcaps by Sivka Skin Matcap by Shugan Gem/Fabric Matcaps by Minichibi Edited Breath Particle created through Hovl Studio Shader by Poiyomi Banner Pictures by Stormy.vrc Everything else was made by me!
Gumroad (zeffyrsfantasia.gumroad.com)