My booth purchases
there maya bunny suit by bero and the maya bellus uniform seems nice they were posted before but the link was 2 hours and people are sleeping probably so not alot got it
@yuno325 Shoot me a message on discord RenG#0126 and I can send
I want Rindo's clothes except the cyberpunk, I can give you the Rindo clothes you are looking for
@yuno325 Shoot me a message on discord RenG#0126 and I can send
@projektreni I have the konler of rindo if you want it
this is my list , It's a list that I use for another group where they only make changes. If you need something that I might have, I can pass it on to you if it's something simple, although I need to update it, there are things that I have on my PC that are missing
@projektreni Can I get Tsuyu and Leath or any clothes?
@projektreni Can I get Tsuyu and Leath or any clothes?
@daggon sure add my discord RenG#0126
@projektreni I have the konler of rindo if you want it
this is my list , It's a list that I use for another group where they only make changes. If you need something that I might have, I can pass it on to you if it's something simple, although I need to update it, there are things that I have on my PC that are missing
@Luxardia you mind if I can message you for clothing for the selestia I'm currently working on and expanding?
@Luxardia you mind if I can message you for clothing for the selestia I'm currently working on and expanding?
@projektreni I have the konler of rindo if you want it
this is my list , It's a list that I use for another group where they only make changes. If you need something that I might have, I can pass it on to you if it's something simple, although I need to update it, there are things that I have on my PC that are missing
Holy shit it's harder to pick what I DON'T want! Will need to compile a list of things to ask for because there's so many options
Oh! and here is a list of the other stuff I have
its not everything but its a larger quantity
@projektreni Mind if i send a friend req to ask for a few items?
@projektreni Mind if i send a friend req to ask for a few items?
@CoolGuyMeikai go for it
@projektreni I have the konler of rindo if you want it
this is my list , It's a list that I use for another group where they only make changes. If you need something that I might have, I can pass it on to you if it's something simple, although I need to update it, there are things that I have on my PC that are missing
Hello~ Can I add you? I'm interested on some stuff and I think I have things your looking for uwu
Hello~ Can I add you? I'm interested on some stuff and I think I have things your looking for uwu
@Nefaris go for it
@Luxardia @projektreni Might I be able to bother either one of you for a few items if you're still willing~?
@Natty sure
Saw the fuwafuwa short hair on your wanted list, mintsheep posted it here before!:
Saw the fuwafuwa short hair on your wanted list, mintsheep posted it here before!:
@sarameesh thx, totally missed it with how flooded the unreads have become lol