Looking for thiccer protogen gang
Do you have a link as to where this is from?
its from a user off of twitter I can give you that and that user brings it up on there patreon but Don't see much of a download link
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SKU11MAN9046 -
i figured it was a skullman97 edit most of their other models are currently free on their gumroad but no protogen there
@Ace_exe2 Yeah there is a "Thiccer Protogen Gang" post on skullman97s patreon, but it says you need This model and 1 other thing, but the posts gets cut off.
@AnonymousRat So I already have that model I was just looking for the edit of it
@AnonymousRat Im not sure its there it doesn't seem to be unless we can let someone else to try
@AnonymousRat So I just checked and it doesn't seem to be there in that post.
@Ace_exe2 Okay my bad. I did some digging and it looks like you have to contact them on discord and show proof you have the protogen avatar and he'll send you the edit.
Screenshot <- Click that
If you're able to grab it, please share the edit here
now im interested to..