Nardo Windbreaker
DONT FORGET TO RATE!Windbreaker for the Nardoragon Model!(This item is in Beta and will be reworked with many features added! free to anyone who bought this version)This package includes: Nardo WindbreakerSubstance Files with the ability to edit the texture!3 Custom Textures to choose from!Should fit all body typesFor commissions or sharing, both parties must own this product. Also, do not re-sell this product.You'll need: PoyomiToon: https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releases/tag/7.2.41Might release a free update to the jacket down the line <3JOIN MY DISCORD!: https://discord.gg/JbntNAcP95Special thanks to Deamonicpup (@deamonicpupvr on tiktok) for posing the photos for me while my VR stuff is in for repairs <3
Gumroad (hipsterfoxx.gumroad.com)