LF: Myr Avatar
Physbones, Squishbones Twist Bones for the Elbows and Wrists 12 Unique Facial Expressions Black or White Outfit and Hair Option Body Shine Slider Emission Brightness Slider Outline Toggle Toggleable Clothing With Dissolve Toggleable Clothing With Geometric Dissolves (Requires Poiyomi Pro) Hue Shift Slider Requirements This Avatar is made for PC Poiyomi Toon 8.1.166 or newer Poiyomi Pro 8.2.027 or newer (For Geometric Dissolve Shaders) Creator Companion VRCSDK You must have basic unity knowledge in order to upload, I cannot help you through the process of uploading. How to Upload Head to VRChat website and download and Install the VRChat Creator Companion In the Creator Companion go to the projects tab and click "Create New Project" Select "Avatar" template and name the project anything you'd like and click "Create Project" Open the project and Import the latest Poiyomi Pro Shader (Recommended) or the latest Poiyomi Toon Shader Import the "Myr by Badyr" Unity Package Navigate to the "Myr" folder and open the provided scene file "Myr OPENME!" Open the VRChat SDK Control panel and login In the Builder tab select the version of the avatar you wish to upload Click on "Build and Publish for Windows" set avatar as Private and Upload CreditsEverything is made from scratch by meHuge thanks to:Cat Girl Eddie - Unity HelpMDG - Unity HelpBolivardi - Substance Painter HelpDeeJay - Hair concept artTerms of Sale Do not redistribute under any circumstances Do not take parts off of this product to use in commissions or otherwise for commercial use Do not claim this work as your own If you use this model on streaming / social media platforms / advertisements, you must credit this Gumroad page You are allowed and are encouraged to use any pieces of this model on your own PRIVATE models! (for your use only) You cannot make this model public or put any of its parts on a public model. These rules are subject to change if you have any questions or issues on the model please feel free to message @badyremoji on discord.
Gumroad (badyr.gumroad.com)
if anyone would be willing to give it, would very much appreciate it.