Full Cyant Model 01 Assets List:
+1 for mek legs
When thursday comes up and no legs get posted im going to post it myself and maybe something else with it too
So while you wait you can vote on this poll https://strawpoll.com/BDyNE762zZR -
Here go some legs
https://workupload.com/archive/Ncza4k3zCu -
well then the legs have been posted hmm...
Okay whatever top two are i will upload here -
@Dashingsora thank you very much
Man that mega chassis really is heavy Here is something to support your backs
@Dashingsora @anindigosky Thank you! I added both links to the OP.
Added Cyant Vocal Enhancer - VrChat, VRC Fury, SPS to the list.
Added "Mechanical Green" Textures And Materials For Cyant Model-01 (Free!) to the OP.